Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day

April 15, the always infamous Tax Day. The day Americans pay what their government believes that they owe. It is not that the American people have a problem with paying taxes, we all know the saying "You can be certain about two things in life: death and taxes." Jesus commands us in Matthew 22:21 to "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God to what is God's." Paying taxes to keep a government running is not inherently bad, it helps to keep our ruling body in order. It pays for Police, military, and roads which we all enjoy and appreciate.

The problem that the American people have today with Tax Day is the amount that their taxes have grown to, the rich are being penalized and the poor incentivized. Between the Stimulus bill and Health Care bill, the American people are having to pay more taxes than ever before with the amount increasing and increasing the longer the Progressives are allowed to stay in Washington. Yesterday our National Debt stood at $12,831,193,383,690.69, you know who is going to have to pay that off? My generation and the generation after me! We also do not appreciate the things that our tax money is going to fund: ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and the UN. Also, taxes are not meant to be charitable donations, they are meant to keep the government running.

I spent this evening at the South Florida Tea Party outside the Palm Beach County Courthouse. Hundreds of patriots and concerned Americans are showing what they think of Obama, Pelosi, and all of the other crazy Liberals who are running our nation into the ground by running up the deficit. Several young people from ages 10-20 spoke to this crowd about their concern for the out of control spending that is taking place in Washington. It is going to be the young that are going to have to work to turn our country around and America needs to listen to their not-so-small voices.
In November, let's send Pelosi and Reid to that unemployment line that they voted our taxes to fund!

Also, check out to get involved!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Bill

After some searching I have found an on-line version of the bill that the House and Senate passed. It's only 2409 pages. I have committed myself to reading this bill which we all know many of the representatives who voted on it did not even do. I will let you know what I find.

Read it for yourself, be educated on what's going on.


"Go For it" these words were spoken by President Barak Obama in Iowa while going on his tour of America to sell his Obamacare bill. This was a challenge to the Republicans that are speaking out about repealing the Health Care bill. In this statement he is mocking the American people who oppose his liberal administration's agenda to shove this bill down their throats. Well Mr. President you have woken a sleeping giant that I believe will respond to this challenge.
My intent in this blog is to document the conservative response to this Health Care bill. The American people are already speaking out and hopefully we will see this bill defeated before we have to pay the consequences.
Wake up America, speak out.